2022 Official’s Form Twitter First Name Last Name Date of Birth Email Address Are you a former delegate of the 2020 session? (former delegates are considered those who paid the fee entire conference fee or won a partial or total scholarship of the July 2020 session) * Yes No Which kind of delegate were you? If you were a partial or total scholar you have to reapply for the 2021 scholarships positions, in any case you will receive some additional points considering the particular situation of the 2020 session. * Paying delegates ( conference fee) Partial scholar Total scholar As the BIMUN 2020 session did not take place due to the restrictions caused by the Covid19 pandemic what would you like to do? * Use my fee/s to join the BIMUN 2021 session Transfer my fees to someone else Not to join the next BIMUN Conference (in this case i will lose entirely my fee/s) Re-apply again as scholarship’s candidate - VALID ONLY FOR FORMER SCHOLARS Do you confirm your interest as selected above? Yes No Back Home